Enjoy the best Quality and stress-free fun work environment for your child/Teen
Most children and teens will not become famous. That’s the stark truth. So, lets be realistic about some things. Modeling can be a very positive experience and help children and teens develop life skills that will benefit them for a lifetime. But, before spending thousands of dollars in the pursuit of fame, we suggest taking a more guarded view and approach and getting educated about the businesses that promote modeling for your child/teen. We are here to collaborate and encourage a healthy approach.
Our pricing for children & Teens is priced below our standard pricing so that its more affordable to create the experience for them. Therefore, we have created a separate page for our services related to child and teen services. However, our HS Senior photos package(s) is located on our main pricing page.
From time to time we offer a limited number of FREE photo and video shoots. When you check the pricing page, look for any current Free or discounted offerings!!
C. E. & C Photography is not a modeling or acting agency. We do not purport to find jobs for new and beginner models and actors, although that could happen. We are working to develop connections in the local fashion market. We also build websites for customers, and will have a need to hire models for our client projects. Your child/teen could be offered a job with C. E. & C Photography at some point if the need arises and we feel your child/teen would be a great fit for our project. We create content for websites & maybe your child/teen would be a great fit for one of our jobs. We can also advise or assist you with promotion, advertising, and marketing because we are in the business of digital marketing including building a website to promote your child/teen.
We belive All children/teens can contribute to the art of digital photogrpahy and video without having the “look” of only a few select professional models:
We have found that Modeling & Acting does have a positive side for children and teens. Many students of acting start at a young age in public schools. In school, there usually is not any pressure to achieve fame or fortune. Yes, maybe there is family pride, or personal satisfaction for delivering a great performance, but kids generally participate for the pure enjoyment of it. There is nothing wrong with this. We often spend big money to send our children to camps, music schools, dance lessons, and training in sports all because we believe its good for their development. Our kids might have taken some tumbling classes or further advanced into gymnastics. Cheer leading is very popular as well. We believe these pursuits can be healthy and contribute to the development of children and teens in a healthy way. We like to help teens show off their growing talent with photography and video.