more detail about Who We ARE
Experienced Digital Media Production For Businesses, Individual Personal Branding & The General Public
C. E. & C Photography is a subsidiary brand of Minnis Solar Consultants, LLC. Learn more about Minnis solar Consultants, LLC and why we decided to create an In-house digital photography division to supply content for our websites. C. E. & C Photography is now open to the public for digital photography and video services. This website provides all the details.

Email Contact Information:
Parent Company Email:
Now lets get rolling with more Detial about C. E. & C Photography
A few things we’re great at
Three Primary Areas of Work We Can Perform
Non-Represented Models
We are happy to work with non-represented models or those seeking to get into modeling. We are generally not a good fit for models who are already signed by an agency or expect to be signed in the near future under an exclusive agreement.
Newly signed models who have a non-exclusive contract & can seek jobs independently may want to use our services to develop work experience and portfolio. We can certainly consult about that option.
Uninformed new or aspiring models fall into the trap of paying for photography when they should not. C. E. & C Photography provides a great experience for new models as well as promotional content to use for advertising.
Our portfolio services are designed for new and aspiring models who do not plan to be signed or have been unable to get signed & represented by an agency, but want a portfolio to present to casting directors.
We are not agents and do not find jobs for models. Therefore, we will never take any money for finding you a job even if we do help in that area.
We can offer our portfolios & promotional modeling content at affordable prices.
For Individual Brands
C. E. & C Photography offers video and photography services to help a company or individual promote their company, service or products.
We use high quality professional Canon equipment & stay on top of current technology.
We will consider candid live action video to promote your company, brand, or service. We specialize in tailored projects for aspiring models, using video production to promote your individual branding. We help new models develop a career.
We will take photos for your promotional posters, or online advertising. We can do photo or video shoots for musicians or groups for advertising purposes. If you need some promotional photo or video work, it wont hurt to run it by us and see if we might be a fit for the job.
We may or may not accept your project work for event photography. We do accept wedding videography jobs from time to time, but we are selective about performing wedding photography. If you like our body of work, please do not hesitate to present your needs and see if we want to take on your project.
For Any Purpose
Keeping current headshots for actors and actresses is a MUST. Its a service we are easily able to provide. There are many resources for this service, and some aspiring actors/actresses just have a friend use their phone camera to take some photos, although this may end up being less professional, its something that does happen often. If you would like a very high quality headshot, feel free to contact us about this service.
Head shots vary somewhat, although the traditional shot is very plain and straight forward and is usually a slightly angled shot that creates a nice 3- dimensional image showing features and structure of a person’s face and head. The shots typically do not extend below the middle torso, although there are exceptions. Actors sometimes want to show a bit of personality which can be depicted in the way the photo is produced.
Artistic elements are not usually desired for head shots.
We Follow A Simple Process For Any Work That We Perform:

how to get your project done
Our process from start to finish:
We have a basic 4-step process.
One: Contact us by telling us about your project. We have a project proposal form for you to fill out that will assist you in describing your project. It may be a simple head shot, portrait session, or HS senior photos. Or, it may be something more complicated like an advertising campaign, or modeling portfolio project that involves the coordination of production crew, set locations, wardrobe services, makeup artists, and hair stylists.
Two: If your project description seems to be a good fit for what we do we will contact you back about scheduling a consultation and planning appointment. If we are going to decline your project we will let you know as soon as possible before Step 2.
If your project is fairly simple and straight forward, the step 2 (consultation & planning) will not take much time. One online or in-person appointment for perhaps 30 minutes. For more complicated projects that need extensive planning, we can take care of the collaborative process in-person for as long as needed.
Three: When the consultation and planning is completed, step 3 is on us. We will prepare a written agreement/contract for the work to be performed and present it to the appropriate party for signature.
Four: Once the contract paperwork is signed, we can schedule the production date(s). More complicated projects may require multiple production day(s) or /date(s) for completion. We may require some feedback during the production phase, or have your involvement in the production directly.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: For projects involving children/teens & their parents, please scroll down to the next page. The application and preparation process for parents and their child(ren)/teen(s) for modeling or any other service is on the next page. Scroll down one page and follow the procedure there. If you are a legal adult or a business requesting digital media services you may complete the project proposal form via the link above.
Child(ren)/Teen(s) Projects Including Senior Pictures or Portraits:
C. E. & C photography has logged significant hours working with teens, children and their parents. We are ready and prepared to complete simple or complicated projects for your child(ren) or teen(s). We offer a range of digital photography and video services to get started, however, we do not work with agency represented models. We want to keep prices down for those who are just getting started, or have not been able to get signed by an agency.
We offer (require) FREE consultation services before you decide if you want to get started working with the photographers and videographers of C. E. & C Photography.
If you feel you are well-informed you may click the link below to request your FREE consultation for you & your child(ren)/teen(s).
If you would like to ask more questions before scheduling a consultation, submit a modeling information form on behalf of your child/teen. Its a shorter and easier version of the consultation form. It includes a box for your email. We will get back to you about your questions via email before going any further.
You may want to read more about our philosophy and how we work with children, teens, and parents.

best results
Our work in numbers
great people
Our Team
Meet Some Of The People That Make Things Happen:

Duane A. Minnis
Owner, CEO

Contracted Photography Assistant

Contracted Photography Assistant

Brooke Madigan
Contracted Makeup Artist

Marcelle Leon
Contract Film & Photography Makekup Artist

Taylee Lybbert
Senior Photos Brand Ambassador & Contract Teen Model

Purchasing Director
Rhina Rose

Marie Taylor
Company Brand Representative
C. E & C Photography has a robust menu of services for photography & video production but, the extra customer service and preparations count for a lot too. Shooting quality digital media is very important to us, but so is all of the preparation. Take a close look at all the services we offer and some of the preparation that goes into it. Its FantasticBeautifulAmazingImpressive
HS senior photos
High School senior photos are a quick and easy shoot for us here at C. E. & C Photography. Feel free to contact us about doing your photos for 2021. Covid-19 resulted in closed high schools here in Utah and around the country. But we are looking forward to taking requests for the 2021 grads. and getting you on our calendar way in advance. Check out our deals for free HS Senior photos when you work for us as a Brand Ambassador found in our DEALS & PROMOTIONS SECTION of our website. Get you photos done early when we have promotions going on to save money.
Model Portfolios
C. E. & C Photography has historically worked with models of all ages to assist with building experience and portfolios. Our portfolio services are intended for non-represented models of all ages. We work for aspiring child, teen, and adult models to provide an opportunity for experience and help build professional photos/videos for promotional purposes. Use our services to produce content you can put on websites or use in casting calls. We are currently offering A FREE TRADE SHOOT for a limited number of selected applicants. We need (1) Teen Model & (1) Adult Model for A FREE 4 hour production session. CLICK HERE TO FIND THE OFFER on our deals and promotion page.
Actor/ACtress Headshots
Updated headshots for Actors/Actresses are a must. Find sample HEAD SHOTS HERE. If you are in need of a headshot for any reason, feel free to complete a “request for consultation” form and tell us what you are looking for. If you have not had any acting jobs and are just getting started, we can also produce a video reel showing your acting talent as you deliver lines. This type of reel can be used on casting websites where you are looking for work. Get a great promo video reel produced today. Contact us!
Actor/Actress Reel for Casting calls
Independent & New Models need to start thinking about Getting their brand out into the pubic. We can help you do this with photo and video services. You or your organization can contact us for a free consultation to plan out a project that will assist you with your Brand. Check our PRICING PAGE for more detials.
promotional digital Work
Good content is necessary for nearly any kind of marketing. We provide photography and video content to promote individuals, businesses, musicians, groups, websites, and much more. Contact us today about any project ideas you have and we will back to you to set up a consulatation.
Maintaining creativity
You can rest assured that we try to keep a healthy mind-set prior to, during and after production. Sometimes, our best work happens intuitively, or on the fly in unplanned circumstances. We attempt to stay alert and ready to deliver for every project we work on.
customer service
We want our customers to have the best possible experience. Sometimes we make mistakes. When we do, we hope we are able to communicate well, and find solutions. We strive to respond to all questions and requests for consultations within 24 hours, but many times we can exceed our basic customer service goals and get back to you in the same business day.
branding YOUrself
Good content is necessary for any kind of marketing. Ad copy, photography content, video content, print advertising materials, digital advertising products and so on. Independent & New Models need to start thinking about Getting their brand out into the pubic. We can help you do this with photo and video services. You or your organization can contact us for a free consultation to plan out a project that will assist you with creating digital products to promote your Brand. Our general production rates are posted at the top of our PRICING PAGE
our pride
our projects
2022 Dancer/Model Casting Project:
We are casting for dancers and models for the summer of 2022.
For actors/actress’ we can create
headshots or other promotional video products. Go to our main pricing page and scroll down to our Actor/Actress Head Shots Package. See our Actor Package that includes an “about
me” promo video along with updated head shots.
Performers & Groups:
For musicians, bands, athletes, performers, & other miscellaneous groups we are available to consult about promotional digital media projects.
Individuals & Families:
We are happy to provide HS senior photos, individual, & family portraits. We are starting our 2022 brand ambassador campaign. High School juniors & seniors may
apply to represent C. E. & C Photography at your high school.
Selected reps will get FREE senior photos for 2022.
MinnisSolarNews.Com Solar Consulting Website (launched 06/2020)
website for commercial solar (under construction)
Podcasting Website (under construction)
General Videography Projects: (accepting projects)
Model Portfolios: (accepting projects)
Promotional Video & Photography: (accepting projects)
Client Testimonials
Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:
“Hey, my name is Cheyanne Rose Birt and I worked with C. E. & C Photography. Duane was the very first photographer I worked with. It was my first photo shoot so I was really nervous and didn’t know what to expect. I met Duane the day of the photoshoot at the location where we were shooting at. He was very friendly and professional. He made me feel very comfortable while we were shooting. I got some great pictures for my portfolio. Duane really helped me get started in the modeling business. A few months later I shot with him again. I always have a fun time shooting with him and would love to again. Duane is very talented and awesome photographer.”

cheyanne Rose Birt
Teen Model-Age 16 (2013)
“The owner of C. E. & C Photography hired me to model for his photography company. I am totally new to all of this, but Duane made things simple for me. I had to think things over and Duane let me figure out whether I wanted to move forward. After he hired me to do some modeling for his websites and saw thew quality of his work, I decided to ask him to do some work for me personally. C. E. & C Photography works with makeup artists who are very talented and help to make a new model comfortable to start working in this industry. This has been a fantastic experenice for me and I would highly recommend Duane and C. E. & C Photography. His photo and video quality is exceptional.”

Shamir Lee
Model- Age 28 (2020)
Good Day! My name is Mia Todachine. I was hired by C. E. & C Photography to create sample model portfolio photos for their website. I had not modeled for along time and was nervous, but the photo shoot not only went well, but the owner, Duane Minnis, decided to use my photos as the “face of his business” on his FB page and to show the work his company does. If all that was not good enough, Duane offered me a contract as a ART DIRECTOR to organize and design Stylist Photo Shoots for the general public wanting to get into modeling or to express their creative side. I LOVE doing this for Duane and C. E. & C Photography.

Mia Todachine
Model & Contracted Art Director(2020)
more Client Testimonials on the way
Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:
“Hey, my name is…..

Model/Actress Testimonial Coming Soon
Hey, my name is….

Taylee Lybbert
High School Senior
“My name is…..

Child Model Testimonial Coming Soon